Your quest progress lives in a 'quest.gdd' file in your character's save directory on a per-'world' and per-difficulty basis. Grim Dawn's skill classes are known as Masteries. Unfortunately, this editor is not able to do anything regarding your quest progress or choices. Click here to see a detailed announcement by the Guide Creator about the issues he encountered with the Grim Dawn Community, Forum Moderators and why he moved his guides from the Grim Dawn Forums. Welcome to SoulSeekkor's TQ Defiler website! Forgotten Gods takes the apocalyptic fantasy world of Grim Dawn to distant lands with a massive new chapter in humanity’s struggle against otherworldly and divine threats. Enter an apocalyptic fantasy world where humanity is on the brink of extinction, iron is valued above gold and trust is hard earned. At level 10, you will have the option of selecting a second Mastery to complement your initial choice, creating a Dual-Class character.